Aquamat Calcite Filter


Calcite is crushed and screened white marble media that can inexpensively be used to neutralize acidic or low pH waters to a neutral, less corrosive effluent.




Conditions for Operation Range Supplementary products
Water pH 5,0 – 7,0 pH Correction
Max. Water Temp 43°C .
Suspended Matter/Turbidity None ASF
Min. Inlet Pressure 2 bar Booster Pump
Mineral oil None DAF
Minimum Inlet Pressure 200 kPa (2 Bar) Booster pump
Maximum Inlet Pressure 700 kPa (7 Bar) Pressure Regulating Valve
Vacuum Not Permitted .


Upon contact with Calcite, acidic waters slowly dissolve the calcium carbonate to raise the pH which reduces the potential leaching of copper, lead, and other metals found in typical plumbing systems.

Depending on pH, water chemistry, and service flow, the Calcite bed will have to be periodically replenished as the Calcite is depleted. Sufficient contact time is required for satisfactory results. Calcite is filled in a floor-standing reinforced fiberglass cylinder, equipped with an IN/OUT threaded valve.

  • Calcite is a naturally occurring calcium carbonate media.
  • Calcite is self-limiting, when properly applied, it corrects pH only enough to reach a non-corrosive equilibrium.
  • Low uniformity coefficient for maximum contact for controlled pH Correction.
  • Slower reacting for controlled pH Correction.
  • Inexpensive
  • Contains a minimum of 95% Calcium Carbonate & max 3% Magnesium Carbonate
  • Media is to be topped up annually (Dependent on water chemistry, flowrate and pressure)
Required Services
Electrical ** N/A
Feed water pressure 2 – 7 Bar
Feed water temperature 1 – 43∈C
Operating Conditions
Minimum contact time 7 minutes
Bed depth 0.6 – 0.76m
Freeboard 50% of bed depth
Model Name (AQCAL10) (AQCAL13) (AQCAL14)
Flow rates [M3/hr]
Maximum service @ 7 minutes contact time 0,5 0,9 1,2
Pressure drop @ MAX service flow (bar) 0,28 0,28 0,28
Effluent volume (m3) @ 6 min Backwash Time 0,17 (ASF) (ASF)
Connections – BSP (inches)
Inlet 1 1 1
Outlet 1 1 1
Dimensions (mm)
Height (Inc. Control valve) 1381 1398 1674
Diameter 268 335 366
Weight (kg)
Vessel 8 11 15
Working (kg) 69 102 136